Shady Balcony Garden


Shady Balcony Garden

patio ideas apartment modern small balcony gardening

patio ideas apartment modern small balcony gardening Source: website

plants north facing shady balcony garden gardening

plants north facing shady balcony garden gardening Source: website

plants north facing shady balcony garden balcony

plants north facing shady balcony garden balcony Source: website

Best Vegetables for Shady Garden | Balcony Garden Web

Bok Choy, Mizuna or Tatsoi, choose from large varieties of Asian greens and grow these tangy leafy vegetables in your garden to use up your shady space well. Plant them in the rich loamy and moist soil, in spring and in fall in a place that receives morning sun. Read more…

Edible Plants that Grow in Shade

Have a shady space in your garden? Or you have a shady balcony? Utilize it by growing vegetables and herbs there. Learn about the Edible Plants that Grow in Shade. What is a shady position? Read more…

25 Plants for Shady Container Gardens

Many balcony container gardens are shady due to large trees, other buildings, awnings covering the balcony, and walls on either side of the balcony. Full sun allows for a wide range of gorgeous bloomers and full growth of vegetables, but all is not lost with shady balcony container gardens. Read more…
