Condo Balcony Vegetable Garden


Condo Balcony Vegetable Garden

balcony vegetable garden city condo connecticut

balcony vegetable garden city condo connecticut Source: website

condo balcony design landscaping small garden part

condo balcony design landscaping small garden part Source: website

pamba boma green balcony gardens

pamba boma green balcony gardens Source: website

Easy Container Vegetables for Balcony & Rooftop Garden …

You can grow them on your balcony or rooftop garden near a wall and within weeks, you will get a green wall of a climber running up through soft tendrils over the trellis. For growing beans you will need a spot that receives the sun in abundance, a pot that is minimum 12 inches deep and a trellis like structure for support. Read more…

Condo and Apartment Gardens – Young Urban Farmers

Outdoor gardens on condo and apartment balconies have their unique challenges and characteristics. First are the sun conditions. The ideal direction is to have a South-facing balcony without many or any other tall building to obstruct the sun as it typically receives sun for the majority of the day. Read more…

Go Green And Grow These 10 Plants for Your Condo Balcony

There are a lot of ways on how to maximize small condo space. For instance, you can mount a vertical garden on your balcony where plastic plantlets are hung on pieces of plywood attached to the wall. Don’t forget to put a drainage container under each pot so water doesn’t drain on your floor. Read more…
